Source code for array2xspec

# coding: utf-8
""" Manipulate python data to produce Xspec readable files"""
from import fits
import numpy as np
import os

[docs]def read_from_txt(filename): """Reads a text file to create xspec readable fits file Parameters ---------- filename: str A text files with 2 or 3 columns to read. Returns ------- energies, values(, erros): ndarrays The columns present in the file text Raises ------ IOError If the files has less than 2 or more than 3 columns or is read as such due to formatting. """ table = np.loadtxt(filename).T if table.shape[0] == 2: energies = table[0] yvalues = table[1] return energies, yvalues elif table.shape[0] == 3: energies = table[0] yvalues = table[1] yerrors = table[2] return energies, yvalues, yerrors else: raise IOError("File has {} columns".format(table.shape[0]))
[docs]def fake_pha(values, energies, errors=None, prefix="fake", respfile="NONE", telescope="FAKE", instrument="FAKE", afilter="NONE", backfile="NONE", corrfile="NONE", ancrfile="NONE", syserr=0, date="2001-01-01"): """ Creates a fake pha file to be read fitted with xspec Parameters ---------- values: ndarray Values of the fake data energies: ndarray Array of bin edges for the x-axis (lenght of values + 1) errors: ndarray, optional statistical error of the fake data. Default is zero prefix: str, optional A prefix to save file as <prefix>.pha. Defauls is "fake" Other Parameters ---------------- date: str File creation date. Default is "2001-01-01" telescope: str Name of the mission/telescope instrument: str Name of the instrument used afilter: str FILTER keyword respfile: str Response file. backfile: str Background file corrfile: str CORRFILE keyword ancrfile: str ANCRFILE keyword syserr: float systematic error on data Returns ------- Creates <prefix>.pha file in the current directory """ hdu1 = fits.PrimaryHDU() hdu1.header["DATE"] = date, "Fake creation date" hdu1.header["TELESCOP"] = telescope, "Fake mission name" hdu1.header["INSTRUME"] = instrument, "Fake instrument name" hdu1.header["CONTENT"] = "SPECTRUM" hdu1.header["PHAVERSN"] = "1992a" if errors is None: errors = np.zeros_like(values) counts = np.array([val*(energies[i+1]-energies[i]) for i,val in enumerate(values)]) stat_err = np.array([err*(energies[i+1]-energies[i]) for i,err in enumerate(errors)]) channels = np.arange(1, len(energies)) col_channel = fits.Column(name="CHANNEL", format="1I", array=channels) col_counts = fits.Column(name="COUNTS", format="1D", array=counts) col_stat_err = fits.Column(name="STAT_ERR", format="1D", array=stat_err) pha_cols = fits.ColDefs([col_channel, col_counts, col_stat_err]) pha_head = fits.Header() pha_head["EXTNAME"] = "SPECTRUM" pha_head["TELESCOP"] = telescope pha_head["INSTRUME"] = instrument pha_head["FILTER"] = afilter pha_head["EXPOSURE"] = 1.0 pha_head["AREASCAL"] = 1.0 pha_head["BACKSCAL"] = 1.0 pha_head["CORRSCAL"] = 1.0 pha_head["BACKFILE"] = backfile pha_head["CORRFILE"] = corrfile pha_head["RESPFILE"] = respfile pha_head["ANCRFILE"] = ancrfile pha_head["POISSERR"] = False pha_head["CHANTYPE"] = "PHA" pha_head["DETCHANS"] = len(channels) pha_head["SYS_ERR"] = syserr pha_head["QUALITY"] = 0 pha_head["GROUPING"] = 0 pha_head["HDUCLASS"] = "OGIP" pha_head["HDUCLAS1"] = "SPECTRUM" pha_head["HDUVERS"] = "1.1.0" spechdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(pha_cols, header=pha_head) phafile = fits.HDUList([hdu1, spechdu]) phafile.writeto("{}.pha".format(prefix), overwrite=True)
[docs]def fake_rmf(energies, prefix="fake", telescope="FAKE", instrument="FAKE", date="2001-01-01", afilter="NONE", effarea=1.0): """ Creates a dummy rmf file with a diagonal response Parameters ---------- energies: ndarray Array of bin edges for the x-axis (lenght of values + 1) prefix: str, optional A prefix to save file as <prefix>.pha. Defauls is "fake" Other Parameters ---------------- date: str File creation date. Default is "2001-01-01" telescope: str Name of the mission/telescope instrument: str Name of the instrument used afilter: str FILTER keyword effarea: float EFFAREA keyword. Returns ------- Creates <prefix>.rmf file in the current directory """ prihdu = fits.PrimaryHDU() prihdu.header["DATE"] = date, "Fake creation date" prihdu.header["TELESCOP"] = telescope, "Fake mission name" prihdu.header["INSTRUME"] = instrument, "Fake instrument name" prihdu.header["CONTENT"] = "SPECTRUM" channels = np.arange(len(energies) - 1) energ_lo = np.array(energies[:-1]) energ_hi = np.array(energies[1:]) n_grp = np.ones_like(channels) f_chan = np.ones_like(channels) n_chan = np.full_like(channels, len(channels)) matrix = [] identi = np.identity(len(channels)) for row in identi: matrix.append(np.array(identi)) matrix = np.asarray(matrix) col_energ_lo = fits.Column(name="ENERG_LO", format="1D", array=energ_lo, unit="keV") col_energ_hi = fits.Column(name="ENERG_HI", format="1D", array=energ_hi, unit="keV") col_n_grp = fits.Column(name="N_GRP", format="1I", array=n_grp) col_f_chan = fits.Column(name="F_CHAN", format="1I", array=f_chan) col_n_chan = fits.Column(name="N_CHAN", format="1I", array=n_chan) col_matrix = fits.Column(name="MATRIX", format="{}E".format(len(channels)), array=identi) matrix_cols = fits.ColDefs([col_energ_lo, col_energ_hi, col_n_grp, col_f_chan, col_n_chan, col_matrix]) m_head = fits.Header() m_head["EXTNAME"] = "MATRIX", "name of this binary table extension" m_head["TELESCOP"] = telescope, "Fake Mission name" m_head["INSTRUME"] = instrument, "Fake instrument name" m_head["FILTER"] = afilter m_head["CHANTYPE"] = "PHA" m_head["DETCHANS"] = len(channels) m_head["LO_THRES"] = 0 m_head["EFFAREA"] = effarea m_head["RMFVERSN"] = "1992a" m_head["DATE"] = date, "Fake production date" matrixhdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(matrix_cols, header=m_head) col_emin = fits.Column(name="E_MIN", format="1D", array=energ_lo, unit="keV") col_emax = fits.Column(name="E_MAX", format="1D", array=energ_hi, unit="keV") col_channel = fits.Column(name="CHANNEL", format="1J", array=channels) bound_cols = fits.ColDefs([col_emin, col_emax, col_channel]) head2 = fits.Header() head2["EXTNAME"] = "EBOUNDS", "name of this binary table extension" head2["FILTER"] = afilter head2["CHANTYPE"] = "PHA" head2["EFFAREA"] = effarea head2["RMFVERSN"] = "1992a" head2["DATE"] = date, "Fake production date" boundshdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(bound_cols, header=head2) rmffile = fits.HDUList([prihdu, matrixhdu, boundshdu]) rmffile.writeto("{}.rmf".format(prefix), overwrite=True)